Compatible with Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, and OS X (see order page for specifics).Quickly and efficiently backs up your document automatically and on-demand (MS Word for Windows only).This makes it easy to sync multiple computers with Dropbox or other file-syncing services. You have complete control over where the reference database is stored.If you work on more than one computer, you only need to copy one file to the other computer – your APA document!

Sets up the proper margins, line spacing, and other key details.Creates the header with page numbers and running head.Easily reuse references in multiple documents with the built-in database.Automatically formats the reference list and makes inserting citations a breeze.Sets up a new document in APA 7th edition format, within which you can start typing your paper.Order now! What Does the APA version of our Format Template Do? Get the APA style points you deserve with Reference Point Software templates. These templates are based on the 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual and include support for APA format style guidelines for electronic resources and references.